Lower Elementary (1st and 2nd)

Lower Elementary

(1st and 2nd)

In our first and second grade classroom, each day begins with a morning gathering where we enjoy a snack, review the calendar and weather, discuss the day's plans, and engage in storytelling or games. Following this, students participate in small group activities focused on language, writing, reading, and math. Once group work concludes, they transition to independent work, selecting activities from shelves organized by subjects such as language, math, science, humanities, and geography. The afternoon is dedicated to further exploration of these shelves, allowing students to use hands-on materials to strengthen their skills or explore new challenges. Throughout the week, students also enjoy specials like Music, Sign Language, P.E., and Spanish. Fridays are extra special with Friday Fun Days, where students share items during gathering time and focus on science, social studies, and arts and crafts.

Our curriculum emphasizes key subject areas in engaging and meaningful ways. In language and reading, students practice journaling, reading comprehension, spelling, cursive, and grammar. Math lessons include addition, subtraction, money, time, fractions, and an introduction to multiplication and division. Science explores the human body, animals, plants, insects, and space through journals and hands-on materials. Geography introduces different cultures, countries, and their unique flags, foods, and traditions, while humanities offer insights into renowned artists like Picasso and Degas, along with activities in sign language and Spanish. These diverse subjects help our students grow academically, socially, and creatively.

Meet the Teachers

Amy Hammer

Lead Teacher

Erica Shadrick

Teaching Assistant
Contact Us


257 Aguinaldo Ave Titusville, Florida 32780

257 Aguinaldo Ave, Titusville, FL 32780, USA

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